Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Here's what happened to me when I got friendzoned by my ex girlfriend

5 yr FWB (during which I later found out she wanted more), followed by one year of relationship. Bit up and down due to my clinginess initially, and fear of intimacy/abandonment. Has ended a few times, with a few false restarts, due to me not truly sorting out my stuff and repeating the same mistakes. Was all a bit unhealthy at times.

The ending
She ended the relationship 5 weeks ago, and requested NC. I was gutted again, and a little angry at myself for letting myself slip backwards with the stuff I'm working on. Many days of tears, poor appetite etc - all the usual stuff. I didn't contact her for 2 weeks, and then broke NC with an email basically apologsing (again!). Got a short reply back. Sent another email 2 weeks later, even shorter reply (5 words). Pretty sure at this point that I'm dead in the water.

The plan
I decided to go LC regardless. I feel this relationship is worth fighting for, and until I am told again to leave her alone, I will pop up with 'fun sparkie' texts now and then. I sent a text last weekend asking her to come to the beach, which she didn't. I emailed her yesterday about some flights we have a small deposit on at Christmas to see my parents. I asked if she still wanted to come, and that I would be at a coffees shop at 9.30 today if she wanted to discuss it (the balance ($5k) has to be paid this week!). I got the response I expected. No to both.

The dreaded friendzone
I went for the coffee anyway, and she didn't show. On the way home, she rings me, asking if i wanted to get a coffee after all! She was driving home from a friends place, so I said sure, pick me up on your way home. She did, and we spent a few hours today at the shops. All day, I was repeatedly told 'We will only ever be friends' and 'I am so happy we are over and can be friends without all the stress' and 'are you sure you can be friends - I don't want you to have any false hope' and 'how will you be if I start seeing someone else?' She told me she hasn't been this happy in ages, and she is seeing a shrink again herself to learn to say no to people (she's a bit of a rescuer). And why am I ignoring these blatantly obvious red flags? Because I looked into her eyes, and I saw something. Thats it. Not much to go on, but enough for me. Am I a mental? Maybe.

So, where from here?
I want to get out of the friendzone with her, but don't know how. I'm using different self help books and trying to change my behavior, but we'll see how it goes. My main stress right now is that I hear she's sleeping with a new guy and that is REALLY bothering me.